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Big Change
25 hours of coaching
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10 coaching sessions
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Life coaching with Valerie Matthews changed my life. Valerie Matthews lessons gave me the inspiration and tools to explore the possibility of having my own business and the confirmation that I can make it work.
Lisa Dowen
26 y.o.
I used to be very stressed out about making more money. Valerie Matthews has helped me turn my paralyzing stress into renewed confidence. By working together we were able to find the right career possibilities that match my interests and skills.
Edward Jenkins
39 y.o.
Valerie helped me make sense of my company chaos. When we first started my thoughts and ideas were all over the place. Valerie helped me prioritize what was important based on my business goals. We mapped out a plan that was straightforward and not overwhelming. There is a lot to do but I see how I can get it all done in a reasonable amount of time.